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Up to €1,800 in refunds available to taxpayers

By January 3, 2024No Comments

Taxpayers could be leaving up to €1,800 on the table by not availing of a range of yearly tax refunds, a consumer tax specialist has warned.

Marian Ryan of is reminding consumers that money is there to be claimed but the vast majority are missing out on the returns.

Taxpayers – including PAYE workers – should complete an income tax return to finalise their tax position, and to claim tax credits, tax reliefs, and expenses as well as declaring any non-PAYE income.

“Revenue confirmed that there’s over €300 million unclaimed for 2022 alone,” she explained.

There is no deadline when it comes to filing a PAYE tax return, but Ms Ryan said January was ‘high season’ for it.

“If you were working from home, if you had medical expenses. One that was introduced this year was, if you were paying mortgage interest, there’s possibly up to €1,250 you can get back there,” she explained.

“If you are paying rent to a private landlord, there’s up to €500 per person that you cam claim back. If you’re a married couple, that’s €1,000.”

Marian Ryan said refunds of up to €1,800 could be available.

“We really suggest that everyone files a tax return and include everything.

“You can go back four years and it’s very easy to file the return. The biggest part is sitting down and working out your expenses which might take about half an hour of your time,” she explained.

Article Source – Up to €1,800 in refunds available to taxpayers – RTE

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